Corona Virus Impact Worldwide And How Indians Are In Better Shape

Coronavirus has now become a global pandemic affecting more than one million people across the globe and has left more than fifty thousand people dead. The outbreak that started in China has now affected almost all countries in the world. With most developed countries facing a tough task of containing the virus, all eyes are turned to India. As one of the fast-growing countries in the world, India has taken decisions to face the challenges posed by COVID-19 heads on. The Indian government took the bold step of lockdown to avoid the social spread of the disease. With more 1.3 billion population, the country’s decision to shut down is praised even by the WHO (World Health Organization). The country is taking the right measures to fight the global war. With a dedicated and proficient team of healthcare staff, India is overcoming all its restrictions to ensure it deals with the pandemic. With fatalities under a hundred and number of infected people around 2000+, India is in a better shape compared to other countries around the world.
India’s Unique Fight Against Coronavirus
While coronavirus started creating havoc, India took unique steps to deal with the outbreak. When most countries took a lackluster approach, India remained vigilant. It is mainly because Indians are living or studying in almost all countries around the world, especially in China. So, the healthcare experts in India suggested the chances of infection spread earlier. It led to the imposing of clampdown much earlier compared to other affected countries. Taking examples from China and Italy, India devised steps to curb community transmission. It is a real test for the country as social transmission can lead to devastating results in the country. Here are some of the steps taken by the country to curb the infection:
Travel Restrictions
When most countries failed to place travel restrictions, India quickly imposed the ban. So, the travel ban on national and international travel helped contain the infection to a certain extent. With many states shutting off access to public places, it reduced the chances of the spread of coronavirus from younger people to the elders in the family. You need to understand that young people visit public places more, which makes them an effective carrier of the virus. So, shutting off access to such places effectively reduced the spread of disease, making it an effective containment practice. The step taken with the overburdened public health infrastructure in mind has certainly shown positive effects.
Early Detection
The virus spread quickly at the first level due to the long denial of China who failed to understand the severity of the disease. But, the Indian government quickly activated its health management system. It also issued immediate and necessary travel advisories, which the states of the country followed. It aided in early detection as well as isolation of infected patients and stopping the spread to a certain extent.
Monitoring By State Machinery
The state machinery led by the country’s Health Ministry as well as other related agencies issues valid precautionary guidelines promptly to educate and inform the general public regarding coronavirus. The valuable information helped people take the necessary steps to prepare. The PMO (Prime Minister’s Office) is constantly monitoring the outbreak of the disease and issuing necessary guidelines. It includes generating and executing action plans like checking international and domestic travelers at the airport, active health laboratories, and assessing the quarantine facilities across the country swiftly. India is following the prevention is better than cure model, which sure is offering better results.
Flying Its Citizen Back
Another important move by the country that has received global appreciation and applauds is flying its citizens stranded in airports of other countries. The government acted swiftly to fly its students, workers, and travelers stuck in coronavirus-affected countries like China, Iran, and others. The government’s concern and efforts to safeguard its citizens reflects in the actions.
Following WHO Guidelines
The World Health Organization (WHO) is working closely with all the government, health organizations, and other experts to offer advice and guidelines to every country in the world. The precautionary and preventive measures suggested can aid in reducing the spread of infection. India complies with the guidelines offered by the WHO. So, the country is taking steps to track, isolate, and test for as many coronavirus infection cases.
Less Symptoms Due To BCG Vaccination
A study posted in medRxiv, an unpublished medical research site has indicated the use of BCG (bacillus Calmette-Guerin) vaccination has offered some level of protection against the coronavirus. The countries that have insisted on the vaccination has registered less severe effects due to the infection. While the vaccination cannot prevent the infection, it has reduced the impact caused by the virus. While you cannot confirm the claim, the fatality rates in countries using BCG vaccination support the study.
Impact On Economy
COVID-19 not just affects the health of people, it also has negative impacts on the global economy. With most countries suffering from the infection, it has led to the global economic slowdown. The ripple effect of the infection has affected supply chain distribution, logistics problems, and trade slowdown. Different rating agencies and IMF have indicated the pandemic can result in an economic tsunami for most countries. It has predicted that most countries can slip into a recession. While India’s economy can see a slowdown, it will not results in a recession like the USA, Eurozone, or Asia-Pacific. It is because it does not have stronger trade ties with China. So, the country can register a significant GDP growth even in unfavorable circumstances. Many financial experts believe the threat of an economic slowdown scale is worse than that of 2008. Crisil suggests the pandemic can result in a slowdown of economic activity resulting in a negative impact on financial stability as well as human suffering.
To conclude, managing a pandemic caused due to a new virus is not an easy task for healthcare professionals and governments. But, the Indian emergency response system has performed a commendable job that has impressed other countries. With coronavirus affecting more and more lives across the world, the selfless services of the healthcare team needs big applause. Indians with a team of proficient healthcare professionals are leading the battle against the pandemic. Let us hope they win the battle against coronavirus and offer an effective plan for the world to follow.


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